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How to have the tough conversations we've been putting off.


Hi Friends,

This video is about communication, about being brave enough to show up (even initiate) the conversations we know we need to have, the ones we’ve been putting off, dreading, making all kinds of excuses to avoid.

As I wrote in Enough as You Are

Quit putting off the conversations you know you need to have. Say what you need to say, with as much honesty, clarity, and love as possible. And really listen in return, with empathy and compassion. Yes, it’s scary to speak the fullness of your truth, and hard to hear the whole truth of another, but there’s no real way to move a relationship forward without the courage to express yourself honestly. And yes, forward may mean going your separate ways. If that’s where an honest conversation leads, then it can only be good for both of you.

Let me know how this video lands for you. What didn’t I touch on that you feel is relevant to good communication? What resonated the most with you?

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Sending you all so much love, and a deep prayer that we may all stand in our courage and speak our full truth, and that we may continue to have our own backs no matter how that whole truth is received. Self-love, more than anything else I’ve discovered, encourages us to be as authentic as possible, to live in integrity, to know that we are worthy no matter what.

You are worthy no matter what. And beautiful. And so very enough, exactly as you are.

Thank you for being here.

Big Big Love,


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Bigger Love with Scott Stabile
Bigger Love with Scott Stabile
Written, audio and video reflections and meditations on personal growth, spiritual well-being, and loving the hell out of ourselves and our world.