
Portugal Update: One room (as a single or double) just opened up for our November retreat in Portugal, so if you missed your chance because it sold out fast, then consider this your moment. Details here.

Detroit Folks: Live breathwork this Sunday the 23rd in Pleasant Ridge. Details here.

Other upcoming events listed below.

Hi Friends,

Coming at you from Shanghai, China, where I’ve been for the past week. There’s much to say about this city, but for know I’ll just share that I really like it here. I’m taken with the people, the vibe, the architecture and (some of) the food.

Before I adventure into the city on my last day here, I thought I’d share the above video with you. I recorded it four years ago when I was living in Santa Fe. If you’re feeling stuck, or resistant, or lost in some false notion that you are unworthy, not enough, less than, or other such nonsense (I swear it’s nonsense) then give the video a watch.

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I find it helpful to remind myself that the energy that created all things is an energy coursing through my being too. It is an abundant, expansive, creative and wild energy, which means that when I connect to it I too am rooted in my capacity for abundance, expansion, creativity and wildness.

The limits we place on ourselves are not coming from this Source energy; they’re coming from our minds, our conditioning, our fears and insecurities. Which is to say, when we want to feel more worthy and empowered, it serves us to get out of our minds and into our hearts, bodies, souls, spirits. There’s so much magic happening within each of us, and most of it is found outside of our thoughts.

I hope the video gives you a little nudge to believe in yourself more deeply, and/or to step into the change you feel called to make.

I love you, and I believe in you.


Bigger Love is a reader-supported publication. If you find this space helpful, and have the means, please consider become a paid subscriber ($5/month or $50/year).

Upcoming Events:

Live Breathwork in Pleasant Ridge, MI on Sunday, Feb. 23rd at 2pm ET

Inward Online Workshop on Sunday, March 9th at 1pm ET

Enough as You Are Workshop in Oak Park, IL on Saturday, April 5th at 1:30pm CT

New Meditations:

You Are Enough, Just as You Are, on Insight Timer

The Messages of Your Heart, on Insight Timer

A Pep Talk to Lift Your Spirits, on Insight Timer