
When it's time to change the channel.

Dealing with the news blues.

If you’re on Bluesky, you can find me at scottstabile.bsky.social

My publisher, New World Library, has all their books on sale right now, including Big Love and Enough as You Are. What’s better than books for the holidays?

Hi Friends,

In today’s video I talk about being more intentional with our relationship with the news, as well as with everything else too. Bottom line: we are, each one of us, responsible for our lives, and that responsibility lives to a large degree in the choices we make. Does a choice uplift or deplete us? Create connection or disconnection? Feel healthy or unhealthy?

Please share your own experience and insights around news consumption, or whatever else. What choices are working for you right now?

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Here’s the piece of writing I shared in the video:

For thousands of years, ancient cultures—the Mayans, the Hopi, the Vedic sages—foretold a time when humanity would awaken to a higher consciousness. They spoke of cycles, of a shift from darkness to light, and a return to harmony. That time is now. This awakening isn't on the news, and it's not a viral.trend. It's happening quietly within people everywhere.

We're realizing that reality is shaped by our attention, that peace isn't found by fighting but by creating a life aligned with our truth.

People are remembering the ancient wisdom of connection and balance. Instead of focusing on the chaos, they're choosing to heal, to live consciously, and to create beauty. This isn't a revolution of force but of spirit. The prophecies spoke of strength—not to fight, but to build a world so aligned, so filled with compassion and wisdom, that conflict will have no place.

Imagine a world where, the old energies of greed and fear dissolve, where peace becomes the norm, simply because we've outgrown the need for anything else! This is the quiet, unstoppable awakening our ancestors saw. It's here, and we're living it.

I do see everything as energy, and with more peace, compassion and love as the norm (and it is possible if we become the examples) the fear-based energies will not be able to exist in the same way. They’ll always be there, of course, but much less likely to dominate our reality. As love grows, fear and all it breeds recedes. I see that as the only possibility.

And I’m here for that possibility.

Thanks for sharing this space with me.

I love you… Scott

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