Bigger Love with Scott Stabile
Bigger Love with Scott Stabile
What's the point?

What's the point?

I have some ideas. I bet you do too.

Hi Friends,

Maybe, like me often these days, you find yourself looking at our world in flames and asking some version of what’s the point of anything anymore? My mind loves to incapacitate me in the muck of who cares? and nothing matters anyway and its favorite, what’s the point? I’m not gonna pretend I have a definitive answer to that question, but I was up early the other morning, still-dark-out early, so I lit a few candles, grabbed my journal and asked myself from a place of curiosity rather than dread, what’s the point? Here’s some of what came through.

The point is to take your time making coffee in the morning, embrace the ritual, inhale the beans as they grind, use heavy whipping cream because why not, don’t just stir but froth it, and savor that first sip especially and every sip to follow.

The point is to stare at the trees and smell the trees and touch the trees and listen yes listen with your whole body and soul to the trees. The point is to get close to the trees and closer still, and become the most tree-like human you can be.

The point is to feel like shit when you get rejected because of course it hurts, but not feel like shit about yourself because their rejection of you has to do with them and you’re still and always beautiful and worthy no matter what.

The point is to numb yourself, with food or booze or drugs or sex or shopping or the fucking internet, or all of them in the same hour because this world is hard as hell to live in and with and through. And when you’re done numbing, to let yourself feel again because deeper than that need to numb your life is the need to feel your life.

The point is to let yourself feel whatever it is you’re feeling, without needing to make sense of it or justify it or have others feel okay about it. And to remember that feelings are fleeting, all of them, eventually.

The point is to move your body when your body wants to move and to stop moving it when it needs to rest. To listen to your body in general and all the time and with more devotion than when you listen to your mind.

The point is to masturbate, to learn your body and desires, to please yourself so you can show others how to please you too.

The point is to breathe, and forget to breathe, and for the love of all that’s holy remember to breathe again. And breathe.

The point is to see others beyond your limiting stories of them, and to see yourself beyond your own limiting stories, too. To be willing to let go of whatever stories no longer serve you.

The point is to have your back, and front, and sides too, to be the captain of your cheerleading squad, GO YOU!, and to listen for those heart truths (even no especially when you feel ugly and alone) that whisper you’re beautiful and enough and so fucking lovable it hurts.

The point is to give up your shame, every last drop of it, to get to a place where it’s impossible to shame yourself because you can’t find one reason to do so, you’ve forgotten how. The point is to understand there never were true reasons to shame yourself, so all you’ve really forgotten are unnecessary lies.

The point is to be willing to love and accept yourself even when you have no idea how to love and accept yourself. The point is to remember that your willingness is the perfect place to start and is itself a profound act of self-love.

The point is to play with animals as often as possible, pet them and walk them and let them teach you how to love by how they love you.

The point is to have friends you can burp and fart in front of because no one likes holding in their burps and farts, and have friends who burp and fart in front of you too.

The point is to laugh your ass off as often as possible and as often as possible find something funny in the hard stuff too. The point is to finally accept laughter as one of the great healers and practice at it many times every day.

The point is to eat whatever foods make you feel good and not judge yourself when you eat the ones that don’t.

The point is to make peace with both your serious distaste for social media and your stubborn addiction to it, and to make peace with your inability to make peace with either.

The point is to accept there are many experiences in this lifetime that aren’t yours to have, just as you will have many wanted and unwanted experiences others will never know.

The point is to surrender to all that Source energy flowing through you, surrender to your oneness with all that is, to the fact you are as divine as you are human and as human as you are divine.

The point is to just show up, as you are, and trust that’s enough.

The point is to be messy in your very own way and have your shit together in your very own way too. The point is to make peace with all the contradictions, or at least to stop fighting them.

The point is to take risks and cheer yourself on even if you don’t succeed how you’d hoped, and to get so lost in your comfort zone you stop trying anything new for a while. But not forever.

The point is to be of service in whatever way your heart calls you to be of service, to serve from desire and not obligation, from resonance and not pressure.

The point is to trash your throat raging at God for subjecting you to this planet, and then soak yourself in tears praying for tips on how to be here.

The point is to trust your gut and listen to it as often as your fear and disappointment will allow, and then so often your fear and disappointment learn to stand aside and make space for all that peace and surprise your trusted gut delivers to you.

The point is to trust yourself, and when you can’t to trust your life, and when you can’t to trust your God, and when you can’t to trust your inability to trust anything for the time being.

The point is to hold grudges and blame everyone else and wish mean people would die, and to become so effortlessly forgiving you no longer see anything needing forgiveness.

The point is to be authentic, and fake, and honest, and conditioned beyond honesty, and so sincere and so full of bullshit, and determined to keep taking baby steps and giant leaps toward more and more truth no matter what.

The point is to be as present as possible with what’s before you, no matter what that is, and to accept that it’s difficult and rare to be wholly present with what’s before you and to stop trying so hard to be here now when the now gets lost in the trying.

The point is to be free, somehow, in a world of prison guards, the harshest, most merciless among them your own mind.

The point is to love, yourself and everyone else, no matter what.

The point is to be human, because you’re a human being and there’s nothing else for you to be here.

The point is to be human.

Wishing you big and bigger love,


Bigger Love is a reader-supported newsletter. If you’re loving it, and have the means, consider becoming a paid subscriber.

I could’ve kept writing and writing but feel I included enough The point is… this time around. Let me know which of the points above, if any, resonates the most with you. And what comes up for you when you close your eyes and meditate on the question, what’s the point? I’d love to read some of your The point is… responses.

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Friends, I can’t encourage you enough to check out one of my Online Breath & Belonging gatherings on Tuesday nights, with discounted registration for paid subscribers of this newsletter.

Here’s a message I received from one of the attendees:

Ok so this time it actually felt psychedelic. Like I had a whole healing journey. WHAT THE HECK SCOTT!! If I keep following you around I might end up a healed person walking around inside their own body feeling all the sparkly joy. Holy smoke! THANK YOU!!!!! Like I held myself like a mother but not me…mother love held me like a child. I love you!!

If you want to join me next Tuesday the 17th, go HERE for details. This is not a meditative, put you to sleep kind of breathing. It’s active and wild and incredibly healing. It’s something you’ve got to experience for yourself.

Jacob and I have been having some great conversations on our Hey Jacob, Hi Scott podcast. We’re always looking for questions from listeners, so if you’ve got something you’d like us to respond to or hear us discuss, head to the website and let us know.

Remember: You are beautiful. You are worthy. You are loved. As you are.

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Bigger Love with Scott Stabile
Bigger Love with Scott Stabile
Written, audio and video reflections and meditations on personal growth, spiritual well-being, and loving the hell out of ourselves and our world.