
Shifting the patterns that don't serve us.

A Sacred Earth Oracle reading.


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Hi Friends,

Today I pulled a card for us from the Sacred Earth Oracle deck, and the message definitely resonated, as I continue to bring awareness to the choices I’m making in my life and how they affect me. Let me know how the reading landed for you, and if you have other insights you’d like to share with us all.

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Here’s the card:

Here’s the deck:

We are not bound to our patterns. It is within our capacity to make different choices than the ones that continue to create unfavorable outcomes. I’m not saying it’s easy to shift longstanding patterns, even (or especially) the unhealthy ones, but it is possible, with intention and commitment. And, ideally, with a lot of grace for the moments when we fall back into the patterns that don’t serve us. We’re human, after all.

I think one of the most powerful practices is also the most simple (at least to comprehend if not act upon): bring awareness to your choices and do more of what feels fulfilling and less of what doesn’t. If we did no other thing than that, we’d all be living much more fulfilling lives. Why not start right now?

Sending huge love out to all of you, and a deep prayer that we may each be willing and courageous enough to change the patterns that don’t serve us, as individuals and as a collective.

With so much gratitude and love,


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