Mar 22Liked by Scott Stabile

Sunshine on a cloudy day! Thank you!! <3

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Mar 12Liked by Scott Stabile

Thank you for that really beautiful reminder - it's so easy at the moment to be feeling despair, and we need to be reminded that these other opposites are always there. They need all our attention and awareness so they can nourish us, and we in turn can nourish and build them.

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Mar 12Liked by Scott Stabile

Oh, I am grateful you are alive! Thank you, Scott. Thank you.

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Mar 12Liked by Scott Stabile

What a beautiful hope filled message dear Scott. It's definitely something to remember when the dark clouds are descending. There's always joy, hope and LOVE (big 😉😁❤) Thank you.

Love Nicki and Chris xxx

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Mar 12Liked by Scott Stabile

As always, your timing is impeccable! I needed to hear your message(s) today. Thank you!

Sending you so much love, Scott! ❤🥰🙏


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