Good question Scott. I'm loving myself right now by pacing all day every day, while I have long Covid and limited energy. The old me would have tried to get me to keep pushing myself but I can't do it anymore. Self care and love, because I am worth it.

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You are so worth it, dearest. Sending a huge hug and prayer for great health. So much love to you and Chris. 💜💜💜

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“What can I appreciate now?”

I ask myself this a lot, which supports me in keeping aligned with Source (aka God, Infinite Invisible, True Nature, The Absolute, All That Is, The Tao, Universal Intelligence/Love…take your pick.

And, right now, appreciating Scott.

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I love that question, Ralph. Thanks for sharing. Gratitude roots us in the present moment in such a beautiful way. Lots of love to you. 💜🙏💜

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