I’m going to have a massage today. I’m going to create my vision board. I’m going to eat healthy. Do breath work and meditation. Paint without judgment. Give myself lots of hugs and accept where I am in this moment. You are so inspiring and I have already made so many changes, remembering that I am human, I will be gentle and kind to myself ❤️

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Jan 5Liked by Scott Stabile

Such good direction…..one of the things I would like to discern is when I feel the need to ACCOMPLISH things to prove that I love myself. I know that is a false narrative. But doing things I want to do, or get done, may include meditation, sewing, knitting, artwork (all of which I am a beginner and master of none). I think THOSE things are all being good to myself. Needing to get any number of outstanding TASKS done to make me feel like I am okay? That is NOT. THAT I am working on. Thank you for your honesty and strength. Love your bravery. ♥️

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Jan 6Liked by Scott Stabile

I am so up for the challenge. I'm going to love myself by not treating a weekend like a work day, with my value measured in check marks on my to-do list. I'm going to be intentional about each thing I do. If I finally get around to re-potting my plants, it will be because having healthy plants around my house brings me joy. If I vacuum, it will be because seeing clean floors makes me happy. If I cook a meal, it will be because I'm fully present in the act of chopping vegetables and building flavor. It will be because that meal is exactly what I need and want to eat. Maybe today loving myself is reading my book all day and ordering takeout and not even taking notice of what's on my floors. I'm going to love myself by feeling into each moment and doing what feels right. No lists, no shoulds, just being here today for myself in this moment, on this day.

Thank you, Scott, for all the love and insight you share. I just discovered you this week on Kelly Hanlon McCormick's podcast. Your words are exactly the right thing at the right time for me. I send you so much love right back.

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Jan 5Liked by Scott Stabile

I am so into self-love and self-compassion! Thank you for introducing both to me! ❤

Big, big love! xxoo

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