Who am I?

I’m the author of Enough as You Are, Big Love: The Power of Living with a Wide Open Heart, and Just Love. A friend once referred to me as a love activist, and that’s a description I happily own. I write, speak and give workshops on a lot of subjects — authenticity, trust, fear, compassion, joy, conditioning and, of course, love and self-love — always with the intention of reminding you that you are a worthy, whole and loved human being. As is everyone else. I make a lot of noise for the power of love, and not from naivety. My head isn’t in the clouds. I believe love is our greatest healer, and with it at the root of our words and actions, we stand to create real healing in ourselves and our world.

What’s Bigger Love?

When I was considering the mission of this newsletter, I looked back on what I wrote in the introduction to my book, Big Love, and it holds true for this space, too. (I’ve replaced the word book with newsletter.)

I’d like Bigger Love to remind you that you are not alone, not by a long shot. We are all imperfect; we all have busy, fearful minds; and we all struggle. Every single one of us, every single day. I’d like the newsletter to emphasize that you are as worthy of love as anyone who has ever lived, and that nothing you do could ever make you any less worthy. Or more worthy, for that matter. I’d like it to encourage you to take responsibility for every aspect of your life, knowing that by empowering yourself this way, you set yourself up for deeper peace and greater joy. I’d like it to open you up to perspectives you may not have considered, or reinforce ones you may have forgotten, all of which will lead to a more open and honest relationship with yourself and others. Most important, I’d like this newsletter to inspire you to consider love as the guiding force in your life, regardless of circumstance. Nothing stands to transform us, our relationships, and our world, more than a commitment to live our lives from love. The bigger the better.

There’s one thing I want to add: I’d like this newsletter to be a community space for open-hearted souls who want to co-create a more compassionate, just and loving world. Wait, one last thing! I’d like it to be a space for joy, and laughter, and fun. Lots of joy and laughter and fun.

I’ll be posting whatever I feel called to share, from my mind, heart, soul and body. Expect a mix of writing, audio meditations and worthy ramblings, and some video teachings, too. Probably an oracle card reading tossed in on occasion. I’ll likely send out an email every couple weeks, though I’ll be adding content much more often, so stop on by Bigger Love when you need some peace, or contemplation, or a jolt of love. Nearly everything I share here will only be found here. And please, if you feel called, share you thoughts and feelings, your heart, in the comments and connect with others doing the same. Or just take in the different offerings in silent reflection. It’s always up to you.

How does the subscription work?

In the beginning, everything will be available to all, for free. I’ve started Bigger Love with the intention of growing this into my primary source of income. My hope is there will be enough of you who choose a paid subscription that I will be able to offer all content for free always. I get that not everyone can (or wants to!) fork over $7 a month for this offering. That’s absolutely okay. If I need to attract more paid subscribers, I may add certain content down the line that is available only to those who choose to pay the subscription fee. We’ll see how it goes.

Our wold needs our hearts more than ever.

When you subscribe to Bigger Love, you will be joining others who see possibilities beyond all the violence and division in our world, a community willing to do the necessary and challenging work of love and self-love.

If you’re interested in learning more about the company that provides the publishing platform for Bigger Love, visit Substack.com. For questions about your account, subscription, or anything customer service related, go here.

Remember: You are worthy, whole and loved, just as you are.

Subscribe to Bigger Love with Scott Stabile

Written, audio and video reflections and meditations on personal growth, spiritual well-being, and loving the hell out of ourselves and our world.


Love Activist & Author of Enough as You Are, and Big Love: The Power of Living with a Wide-Open Heart